Culture Watch: EuroSmash

A musical celebration of the Eurovision Song Contest.

Culture Watch: EuroSmash

We're counting down to the next edition of Eurovision - to be held in Malmö in May 2024.

If you can't make it to Malmö, the next best thing might be EuroSmash a music festival celebrating the iconic song contest.

A number of fan-favourites will be performing at EuroSmash, including:


Katrina won Eurovision in 1997 with Love Shine A Light.

Katrina also had a massive hit with Walking On Sunshine.


A surprisingly popular entry from Serbia, Konstrakta finished Top 5 in the 2022 edition of the song contest - the song was In Corpore Sano.


Gustaph represented Belgium at the 2023 Eurovision contest. His song was Because of You - a celebration of queer ballroom culture.

EuroSmash will be held on 4 May at Woolwich Works in London


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