Departure Date

Erotic gay fiction about a young guy's adventures in Japan.

Departure Date

If you fancy a bit of erotic gay fiction, you might enjoy Departure Date.

Here's an extract:

Joe eagerly followed Kaz down the steps and across the courtyard to the bathing room.

Traditional Japanese bathing is a communal, fairly social affair. It’s a style of washing or personal hygiene that western visitors sometimes struggle with.

“So, just leave your clothes in this basket…” instructed Kaz. “Then we’ll go through to the washing area.”

The washing area was an open space where you sat on a plastic stool and soaped and rinsed your body before getting into the large communal bath to soak. Kaz was surprised that they were the only ones in there.

“Did the other passengers not want to wash?” asked Kaz.

“Um, I may not have explained the whole thing very clearly to them…” admitted Joe.

“Don’t worry...” smiled Kaz. “It’s your first trip – the next one you will be an expert on all of this kind of stuff. Besides, I’m kind of glad that it’s just the two of us.”

Joe finished rinsing the soap off his body before joining Kaz in the warm communal bath.

“Me too...” agreed Joe. “I have to confess, Kaz - I’m really not sure that I’m up to this job.”

“You’ll be fine!” reassured Kaz. “There’s just a lot to think about and a lot to take in on your first trip Don’t worry about it – you’ve got the right personality to cope with these people.”

Joe felt Kaz place his hand on his leg - he looked across at Kaz, double-checking that he wasn’t misinterpreting the gesture. Kaz turned his face towards Joe and their mouths met in a tentative kiss, quickly growing in passion and intensity.

“Um, sorry guys - I don’t mean to interrupt…” said a voice suddenly.

Joe opened his eyes and saw Bob Levitzson standing before them, naked.

“It’s just that I asked the monk…” continued Bob. “He said that now was the bathing time for men?”

“Ah yes – sorry Bob, you’re quite right...” said Joe quickly, trying to disentangle himself from Kaz’s body. “I was just briefing Kaz on how our day had gone.”

“So I see…” nodded Bob. “Do they have any bathrobes here?”

You can read the full story of Departure Date on Kindle or Amazon.

The After Dark edition

If guys with a bit of an Asian flare are what get your attention, check out the After Dark edition for some fuel for your fantasies.

After Dark: Asian Men
Fuel for your fantasies.

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