What's life like for LGBTQ people in Hungary?

Another big win by the right-wing government leaves the queer community vulnerable.

What's life like for LGBTQ people in Hungary?

What’s life like for LGBTQ people in Hungary? Let’s take a look at some of the key equality indicators.

Yes. As modern-day Hungary emerged in the aftermath of World War I, the country’s penal code listed sex between men as a criminal offence. Homosexuality was decriminalised in 1961.

Are there anti-discrimination protections in place for LGBTQ people?

Yes. In 2000, the Constitutional Court recognised that the constitutional ban on discrimination based on “other status” covers sexual orientation as well.

Additionally, Hungarian law prohibits hate crimes and hate speech on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.

Is there Marriage Equality in Hungary?

No, but there is legal recognition of same-sex relationships.

Legal recognition of same-sex relationships became possible in 1996 when Hungary adopted the concept of Unregistered Cohabitation. This recognised the rights of any couple living together in an economic and sexual relationship, and was applied equally regardless of gender or sexuality.

This was strengthened in 2009 when legislation was implemented that created registered partnerships for same-sex couples.

However, a significant barrier to marriage equality was introduced in 2012 with the adoption of a new constitution for Hungary. The new constitution explicitly restricts marriage to opposite sex couples.

What’s life like for LGBTQ people in Hungary?

Despite the anti-LGBTQ position of the country’s government, Hungary is a country where attitudes to LGBTQ people have been steadily evolving over time – particularly in the capital, Budapest.

When we look at the key equality measures, progress has been made but all of that feels under threat as the right-wing government continues to stoke anti-gay sentiment for political purposes.

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