My naked yoga obsession

An addiction that I don't want to quit.

My naked yoga obsession

I've recently been back in Milton Keynes for another naked yoga session with the amazing Gerard of Om Body Studio. I'm obsessed with Gerard.

Om Body Studio – Sound Baths, Yoga and Massages for Men in Milton Keynes

Through a combination of travel, family commitments, and general laziness, my yoga practice has fallen off a cliff. Gerard gently quizzed me as to when I'd lost done any yoga, I had to admit that it was at the end of October - pretty much three months with no yoga.

Gerard sighed - we were going back to basics.

What I love about training with Gerard is that although he chides me about my inability to commit to regular yoga sessions, there's never any judgement and he's incredibly encouraging and supportive.

We started with some breathing exercises, warmed up the body with some dynamic movements, and then concentrated on stretching out the muscles in my legs and hips.

Just as I thought I was mastering each move after Gerard's demonstration, he would step in to adjust my position and help me breathe into each pose as deeply as possible.

I love the naked body-to-body contact that casually occurs between us - it's not sexual, it's a stretch to even describe it as sensual, but there's a warmth and intimacy to Gerard's teaching that is so powerful. It's a form of physical connection that you rarely get to experience with another guy.

Reinvigorated by my expedition to Milton Keynes, I'm determined to put the time and energy required into continuing my yoga journey - and spending some more quality naked time with Gerard.

How it started

My naked yoga obsession kind of started by accident. My friend, Michael - who I'm always trying to impress - floated the idea of booking a mini-break for the two of us.

Michael has a bit of a kink for getting naked and he knows that I'm always up for any kind of naturist vibe. He thought that we could find somewhere where we could work on our all-over tans and do a bit of yoga - a gay naturist yoga retreat was what we started Googling.

Obviously, I was all for it. The catch, however, was that I'm quite rubbish at yoga - touching my toes is beyond aspirational. Michael does a lot of yoga - he once demonstrated to me how he can suck his own cock.

Not wanting to embarrass myself, a bit of online searching brought me to the online yoga classes of Gerard at Om Body Studio.

I booked a one-on-one online class to give it a try. The session was great, and Gerard was amazing - really positive and encouraging. I really enjoyed the whole experience.

I didn't stop there. I booked more classes with Gerard. I even travelled to Milton Keynes for a 1-on-1 session with Gerard - he was even more attractive in-person than he had been over Zoom.

Wanting Michael's stamp of approval, I also organised a Zoom session whereby Gerard ran a class for both Michael and I together - it was a total success.

We still haven't gotten around to booking our mini-break, but both Michael and I are now big enthusiasts for naked yoga sessions with Gerard.

Why does it have to be naked? I guess that it doesn't. Clearly, you can do yoga with clothes on, but being naked in this kind of scenario puts you in a consciously different state of being. Not only can I - and Gerard - see exactly what my body is doing, but the vulnerability of being naked in a homo-social space is somehow very freeing both mentally and physically.

I'm obsessed with yoga. I'm obsessed with naked yoga.

The After Dark edition

If the prospect of stripping down and getting really stretched out fuels your fantasies, check out the After Dark edition for some extra motivation.

After Dark: Naked Yoga
Show us how flexible you are!

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