People need to know.
What's going on in the world of G-TV.

Hump Day!
Behind-the-scenes: Josh Moore
For Naked Men Talking, the adult industry superstar shares insights about his on-screen life.
Behind-the-scenes: Josh Moore
For Naked Men Talking, the adult industry superstar shares insights about his on-screen life.

The Dick Diaries
A new entry has been published - a group of 10 men getting creative with a bunch of flowers.
The Dick Diaries
Chronicling a catalogue of cocks.

Grease up and get ready for BateMates
A new app dedicated to communal masturbation for men.
Grease up and get ready for BateMates
A new app dedicated to communal masturbation for men.

Dressed in Denim
Underwear that deserves to be seen.
Dressed in Denim
Underwear that deserves to be seen.

100 Heroes: Edward Sagarin
On the anniversary of his birthday, we celebrate the life and work of Edward Sagarin - a gay man whose writing helped shape the movement for queer equality.
100 Heroes: Edward Sagarin
The gay man whose writing helped shape the movement for queer equality.

Feelings by EssexLad
I love to feel my hardness at your hole,
Anticipation of what’s next to cum,
I love the gentle thrust into your soul,
Its gripping firm sensation almost stuns,
I love the mounting rhythm, mounting pace,
My bollocks slapping on your peachy arse,
I love the tortured vision of your face,
Of ecstasy and pain the perfect mask.
But above all the senses I enjoy,
The gasping breath, the look that spurs me on,
The, “yes, oh yes, go harder, fuck oh fuck”,
Cos at that moment I sense we are one,
As man to man it’s at that point in time,
I know your feelings, know that you know mine.