What to watch: Captain Faggotron saves the universe

A film by Harvey Rabbit.

What to watch: Captain Faggotron saves the universe

Looking for some camp fun to add to your watch-list? Check out Captain Faggotron Saves The Universe.

A young priest is intent on denying his homosexuality, and he's not doing a very good job. Meanwhile, his alien ex-lover is plotting to turn the Earth into a homosexual planet during a cosmic event and Captain Faggotron is caught in the middle. Clashing ideologies culminate in an orgy of gay demons and a love that no longer has to hide.

Written and directed by Harvey Rabbit, the cast includes Tchivett, Bishop Black, and Rodrigo Garcia Alves.

It would be easy to dismiss Captain Faggotron as a bit of low-budget fun, but it's heart is in the right place and it's a creative response to the rising homophobia that queer communities are confronted with around the world.

While at times the production can feel a bit like a film-school graduation project, the cast are engaging and there are some scenes that showcase the affectionate humour underpinning this work.

Captain Faggotron Saves The Universe is distributed by TLA Releasing

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