A beginner’s guide to booking a sex-worker

Check out the options available to add some intimacy into your life.

A beginner’s guide to booking a sex-worker

If you’re looking for some extra intimacy in your life, or you’re interested in exploring some man-on-man action, then you might be interested in the range of services provided by gay escorts.

But how do you go about booking a sex-worker? And what actually happens?

Know the local laws

Different parts of the world have different rules and requirements when it comes to escorts and sex-workers. In some countries, it’s completely illegal, in others there’s specific regulations that govern how sex-workers can operate. There’s also lots of grey areas where a bit of a dont-ask-don’t-tell approach is adopted.

Make sure you know the laws that apply to where you are. You need to make sure that you’re not putting yourself or the sex-worker at risk.

Assess the options

Most sex-workers operate on a self-employed or freelance basis, but there’s often agencies or directories that can help make your search easier.

When you’re looking at a directory of escorts and figuring out who is going to float your boat, you’re looking for current photos and enough information that gives you confidence that you’re not going to get any surprises or be scammed out of your cash.

As well as all the vital statistics, most ads will make it clear whether the escort offers in-calls or out-calls. You’re also looking for someone who is in your area.

If you’re looking for a sex-worker to travel to you, they may ask for a deposit up-front to ensure that they’re not wasting their time.

Ask the questions

Escorts are professionals. They’re going to be happy to answer any questions you’ve got. It’s important that you’re clear what services are on offer, and what the cost will be. If you’re looking for something specific, make sure you discuss this with the escort up front.

Don’t be shy or embarrassed. Be direct and clear in your communications. If an escort isn’t able to answer your questions, then they’re probably not the escort for you.

If the sex-worker quotes you a price, don’t ask for a discount or try to negotiate. If the price that they're asking is more than you want to pay, look for another escort.

Be courteous

In your initial interactions with an escort, while you are assessing if they’re what you’re looking for, the escort is also assessing whether they want to take you on as a client. It’s okay to be direct in your communications, but it’s important that you’re courteous and respectful. If you’re offensive, or if it seems like you’re going to more trouble than you’re worth, the escort won’t take your booking.

Will there be a repeat booking?

Your experience with an escort might be a one-off thing. Maybe next time, you’ll be looking for something else, or a different type of guy. Generally, the best experiences with a sex-worker happen when you start to build a rapport with the escort. You get more comfortable with each other, you both learn how to get the most out of your time together.

The Ultimate Guide To Becoming A Successful Escort

Paul Stag, a veteran of the sex-work industry, has written The Ultimate Guide to Becoming A Successful Escort.

For the Naked Men Talking podcast, I recently caught up with Paul Stag to talk about the book and his perspective on sex-work.

Click to listen to the conversation

Movies about sex-work

Check out Hustler White - an iconic piece of queer cinema from Bruce LaBruce.

Gay cinema classic: Hustler White
The 1996 film from Bruce LaBruce and Rick Castro that put the hustlers of West Hollywood on the big screen.

The After Dark edition

If rent-boys are what gets your attention, check out the After Dark edition and admire hustlers and their hustle.

After Dark: Rent Boys
Fuel for your fantasies.

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